You will never guess the interesting and weird hobbies these celebrities have

Rosario Dawson: Star Trek

With her being a new prominent actress in the Star Wars saga, it might be a little less surprising to learn that Rosario Dawson is a major geek when it comes to tv shows. And not just the kind of ‘low-key-nerd’ that you might expect a big time celebrity to be. Rosario Dawson attends Comic-Con for fun. Her favorite show is Star Trek and she’s been regularly attending the Comic-Con conferences. Whether she goes all out; completely dressed up as her favorite Star Trek character or in her Star Wars costume, is unknown. But we really hope she does. How cool would it be if you attended Comic-Con and Ahsoka herself showed up?

Apparently Dawson also knows how to speak a little bit of Klingon which takes this hobby to the next level of geekdom. We love an unexpected celebrity geek so Rosario Dawson: “Live long, and prosper”, girl. 

This next celebrity will surprise you with the instrument she plays. And the weird name she gave it.